Thursday, May 17, 2018
Paul VI Catholic High School in Fairfax recently announced its Class of 2018 college-bound student-athletes. Pictured left to right bottom row: Luke Caracciolo (Bryant/Lacrosse), Chase Hutson (Seton Hall/Soccer), RJ Barnes (VMI/Lacrosse), Antonella Henson-Vendrell (Monmouth/Lacrosse), Michelle Umali (Catholic/Dance), Italia Carnazza (Randolph-Macon/Lacrosse), Adam Melendez (Catholic/soccer), Chris DeBruyne (Army/Soccer), John Kittelberger (Susquehanna/Golf). Second row: Kyle Greenfelder (Denison/Lacrosse), Reid McDonald (Trinity/Lacrosse), Emily Kavanaugh (Illinois-Chicago/Soccer), Alejandro Luna (Scranton/Soccer), Jackie Hatheway (Virginia Tech/Dance), Patrick McHale (Catholic/Track), Emily Dettbarn (Hood/Soccer), Raphaella Henson-Vendrell (Hood/Lacrosse), Nick Marshall (Suffolk/Golf). Third row: Greyson Ergenbright (Dartmouth/Lacrosse), Kelsey Shea (Brown/Lacrosse), Katie Coritz (Columbia/Soccer), Nina Askew (Providence/Volleyball), Brigid Sullivan (Manhattanville/Soccer), Sam Freeborne (Mary Washington/Baseball), Matt Zielezienski (Hamilton/Soccer), Jack Weeks (Georgetown/Baseball), Zach Hosseinian (William & Mary/Soccer), Justin Shim (Dickinson/Golf). Top row: Gavin Kemble (Gettysburg/Football), Steven Cornwell (UMBC/Lacrosse), Brandon Fisher (Ohio State/Lacrosse), Thomas Russell (USNA/Baseball), Miles Latimer (Stony Brook/Basketball), Kate Klimkiewicz (Boston College/Basketball), Andrew McHale (Catholic/Track), Carter Spivey (East Carolina/Baseball), Brandon Slater (Villanova/Basketball). Not pictured: Amira Collins (Tennessee/Basketball).