Monday, May 28, 2018
The first drops of rain caused consternation—would this 5K turn out to be a soggy disappointment? But then the sun slowly slid out, and more than 100 runners at the start line started off with a cheer.
This was the Muskaan 5K fundraiser held at Fairfax Corner on Sunday, May 20. Muskaan is an Indian non-profit which raises funds for special needs children and adults in New Delhi, India. It provides much-needed educational, employment and life skill opportunities for children and adults who would typically not have easy access to them. The local branch, headed by Poonam Auluck of Reston, is raising funds for a new vocational and computer center. It was a family friendly event, with music, a raffle and free demo classes hosted by Lead by Example Tae Kwon Do and Music Together.
“We had a blast” said Payal Tak, one of the runners who had brought an entire team from her company, Telesis.
The event raised more than $60,000 and an additional $40,000 in pledges, Poonam Auluck said.