Tuesday, October 2, 2018
EcoAction Arlington is challenging Arlingtonians to use less plastic. Each week, a challenge is issued from EcoAction Arlington. This week: show how you can shop without using plastic. It’s not as easy as it sounds.
EcoAction Arlington offers helpful suggestions on how to eschew plastic and asks residents to offer their own work-arounds. They suggest making one’s own nut butter and using grocery stores that allow customers to make it right there in store, instead of buying plastic jars of peanut butter. They ask Arlingtonians to purchase soap, shampoo, and conditioner in bars instead of plastic bottles.
The challenge has been in place since Aug. 21 and will run through Oct. 19, but awareness of plastic as a serious problem, such as the National Geographic magazine’s issue on plastic pollution, and the plastic straw free movement, has taken off recently.
Taking the plastic-free challenge is an education in and of itself: If you try to live life without plastic bags, plastic bottles, and plastic wrap, you start to realize how everything that used to come wrapped in cloth, waxed paper, or burlap, now comes in plastic. It will be up to consumers to lean on the industries that package their avocados, oranges, and bananas in plastic to change the way they market. Individuals can affect the decision-making when they stop purchasing anything in plastic.
EcoAction Arlington provides environmental education and volunteer opportunities to Arlington residents. Supported primarily by the Arlington County government under a grant from the Department of Environmental Services Solid Waste Division, the organization is also funded through government and foundation grants, as well as donations from individuals and organizations. For more information, see: www.ecoactionarlington.org
EcoAction Arlington is asking Arlingtonians to share pictures and ideas of plastic-free shopping on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and include the hashtag #PlasticFreeDMV, or if avoiding social media, send to plasticfree@ecoactionarlington.org.