Monday, October 29, 2018
With its byline, “Community in Concert,” the professional Tysons McLean Orchestra is celebrating its 48th performance season. “We are an orchestra for the community. Great music can be a powerful force in people’s lives,” said Miriam Burns, music director and conductor.
“Music speaks to us in ways that words cannot,” added Burns. “Music can unite and heal a community and bring people together and has the power to affect all of us in such overwhelming ways.”
With a full, new season of concerts, and in anticipation of its 50th season soon to come, the Tysons McLean Orchestra (TMO) will have a special gala and fundraiser with music of the 1920s and 1930s. It is titled a “Great Gatsby Night.” The evening will be headlined by the pianist Thomas Pandolfi.
“Thomas Pandolfi is one of our most beloved and popular soloists. Our audiences love hearing him perform,” said Burns. “He draws the audience closer by talking about the music he is about to play. It will be an unforgettable evening in support of the Tysons McLean Orchestra.”
"My belief is that every performance, no matter how profound the music, should never lose the element of entertainment,” said Pandolfi. “Audiences must feel emotionally moved, inspired, dazzled – they must feel a sense of enjoyment.”
The music to be performed at the TMO “Great Gatsby” event “is energetic, sophisticated, jazzy,” noted Pandolfi. “Gershwin's ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ will be featured as the centerpiece work, as well as a Medley of that composer’s best loved songs. Other music from that magical era will be showcased as well."
If the name Tysons McLean Orchestra (TMO) is new to you, it is the new name for the McLean Orchestra. “The name change was a decision that acknowledges the growth opportunity to strengthen and solidify its position with the community,” said James Baker, TMO board president. “With the speed at which the region is forecasted to grown, the TMO has begun planning for its next 50 years.”
Beyond its own concert schedule, the TMO is also the founder of the McLean Youth Orchestra (MYO). This youth orchestra was created to provide the finest possible musical education to students who represent the future of classical music. “With the MYO, students learn important life skills that they will use the rest of their lives, regardless of what profession they end up in,” added Burns.