Sunday, April 28, 2019
Thirty-nine Centreville and Clifton area residents were honored recently by the Southwestern Youth Association (SYA) for their efforts during 2018 on behalf of the organization’s 13,000 registrants and their families. The volunteer-honorees were nominated by the Commissioners of each of SYA’s thirteen sports programs. SYA has more than 2800 volunteers.
Attending the reception were Supervisors Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) and Kathy Smith (D-Sully District). SYA awarded plaques to both recognizing their continued support of youth sports programs. Also in attendance was Michael Frey, retired Sully District Supervisor and long time supporter of SYA and the SYA Sports Park.
Gary Flather presented the annual Presidents Award to Tom Healy, former SYA Football Commissioner, in recognition of his dedication to SYA and his years of volunteer service.
The 2018 honorees were Elizabeth Drake, Babe Ruth; Anthony Himelright, Babe Ruth; Brian Seeley, Babe Ruth; Cindy Kim, Basketball; Kristi Purdy, Basketball; Leo Resquin, Basketball; Virginia Anderson, Cheer; Crystal Jordan, Cheer; Alexa Wodack, Cheer; Tracey Barrett, Field Hockey; Susan Malkus, Field Hockey; Katie Manning, Field Hockey; Tom Healy, Football; Jason Mullins, Football; Robert Foster, Lacrosse; DeAnna Hughes, Lacrosse; Alison Neun, Lacrosse; Tim Bowman, Little League Baseball; Jeff Raymond, Little League Baseball; Brad Soules, Little League Baseball; Brandon Vickers, Little League Baseball; in Memoriam Coach Ryan Massimo, Little League Baseball; Larry Novack, Little League Softball; Ross Lemke, Rugby; Tom Phipps, Rugby; Brian Robinson, Rugby; Kimberly Bramhall, Soccer; Toni Garcia, Soccer; Tara Harkins, Soccer; Dorothy Owen, Soccer; Anthony McGhee, Track & Field; Victoria McGhee, Track & Field; Mike McLenigan, Track & Field; Steve Bartolutti, Volleyball; Natalia Yu, Volleyball; James Martin, Volleyball; Tyler Andersen, Wrestling; Will Baxter, Wrestling; and Dante Winslow, Wrestling.
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