Thursday, July 4, 2019
Caitlin O’Roark, of Centreville, a student at Westfield High School, is one of the twelve Area II young riders who will travel to Montana to 2019 International Championship. Area II of the United States Eventing Association comprises Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.The Adequan/FEI North American Youth Championships is presented by Gotham North, at The Event at Rebecca Farms, Kalispell, Mont., July 24-28, 2019.
The Adequan/FEI North American Youth Championships is the premier equestrian competition in North America for children, junior and young riders, age 12-21. Young equestrians vie for team and individual FEI medals in the three Olympic equestrian disciplines of show jumping, dressage, eventing. The competition is run under rules of the FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale), the international governing body for equestrian sport, and is the only FEI championship held annually on this continent.
The three-day event is an equestrian triathlon, taking place over three consecutive days of competition in dressage, cross-country jumping and show jumping. The Adequan/FEI North American Youth Championship presented by Gotham North is styled after Olympic equestrian competition to encourage the development of elite youth equestrian athletes to the international standard.