Wednesday, July 24, 2019
More than 50 teams are expected to construct and decorate their own life-size cardboard boats and then take to Lake Anne in timed heats during the Reston Historic Trust & Museum’s third annual Lake Anne Cardboard Boat Regatta. It is a fun activity for everyone: families, individuals, friends and organizations looking for fun team building activities. Awards will be given to the fastest boats in each category as well as the "Titanic" or fastest to sink.
The regatta will be held on Saturday, Aug. 10 from 12 to 6 p.m at Lake Anne. Festivities are free of charge, with all team registrations and sponsorships benefiting the Reston Historic Trust & Museum (RHT). This year’s presenting sponsor is Griffin Owens Insurance.
The Cardboard Boat Regatta at Lake Anne is a community favorite – fostering Reston pride and teamwork (as well as a little healthy competition!).
For questions, more information, or to volunteer, contact Alexandra Campbell at or 703-709-7700.