Friday, September 13, 2019
The Food Network’s “Restaurant: Impossible” visits Alexandria later this month, with Chef Robert Irvine coming to the Foxfire Grill to give it a fresh look and new menu. And the network wants the community to be a part of the proceedings with both the renovation itself as well as Foxfire Grill’s grand re-opening.
Over the course of two days – Sept. 23 and 24 – Irvine and his team will undertake a full revamp of the Foxfire Grill, bringing a fresh look and feel to the restaurant with a budget of $10,000. The Food Network production crew is looking for many hands to make light work as the process gets under way.
First comes the renovation and rebranding effort. Irvine and team are seeking skilled volunteers to help spruce the restaurant up.
“Volunteers may be any licensed or certified individuals in painting, crafting, constructing, remodeling, cleaning, decorating etc. (depending on your skill set). We are always looking for skilled contractors, electricians, plumbers, upholsterers and painters to help out and donate their time, but we welcome all skill sets and skill levels always,” the Food Network said in a statement.
No interest in the ins and outs of renovation? No problem. The show is also looking for diners to partake in the Foxfire Grill’s grand re-opening. Seatings will be first-come, first-served, based on time of RSVP.
To volunteer for either of these roles, email by 3 p.m. on Sept. 19. For construction assistance, put “1605 VA Volunteer” in the subject line; to try your luck getting a seat at the re-opening, put “1605 VA Reservations.”