Q&A with Brielle Brown, Graduating Senior, West Potomac High School

1) What has been your biggest disappointment/hardship since schools have been closed for the remainder of the academic year?

My biggest hardship since school has been closed for the remainder of the year has been preparing for my AP exams outside of the classroom. With distance learning classes only taking place two days a week, I am doing a lot of studying and reviewing on my own.

2) What are your plans for the fall?

My plan for the fall is to attend North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University as a Lewis and Elizabeth Dowdy Scholar, and major in bioengineering with a minor in Spanish.

3) How have your plans changed, if at all?

My plans have not changed, they have just become more exciting for me!

4) What have you learned about yourself since the COVID-19 closures?

A few things I have learned about myself since the COVID-19 closures are that I enjoy writing and journaling more than I thought. I can be pretty creative when I want to be and that I am very tech savvy!

5) What is your passion?

My passion is to help others. Whether it be donating clothes, serving food to the homeless, tutoring peers, or just being there for someone to talk to, I am passionate about helping others.

6) Have you discovered a new passion in light of social distancing?

A new passion I have discovered in light of social distancing is veganism. I am passionate about eating foods that don't come from animals because it is both great for the environment and myself!

7) What are your hopes for the future?

My hopes for the future are to attend and graduate from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, then attend medical school to become a cardiothoracic surgeon who travels and performs surgeries all over the world for work and mission trips.

8) Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?

As sad as I am to say goodbye to FCPS and West Potomac High School, I cannot wait for this next chapter in my life.

9) What are you most proud of about your school experience/best memory?

I am most proud of the mark I have left on West Potomac High School. From the sports, clubs, and organizations I joined and influenced, I am most proud of how I was able to be so involved and present in all areas of my high school life.

Source: FCPS