Great Falls Studios Spring ArtFest

Ribbon-Cutting marks inaugural event at the Grange and Schoolhouse.

The two-day Great Falls Studios Spring ArtFest & Sale will be held on Saturday, May 7, and Sunday, May 8, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event will feature 25 artists in the fields of fine art. The painters, potters, photographers, fiber artists, sculptors, printers, lithographers, and jewelry makers will be available for visitors to engage with one-on-one.
Great Falls Studio member Begoña Morton, oil painting, prints tea towels and coasters.


 The artists will sell their work at two locations in Great Falls. One site is the Great Falls Grange and the adjacent Forestville Schoolhouse at 9818 Georgetown Pike. The second location is one block away in the Village Center, studios 756, 766, and 776 Walker Road.

The Spring ArtFest is the inaugural event held at the Great Falls Grange and Schoolhouse. They are under new management and operation by the Great Falls Grange Foundation, a local nonprofit organization.

To mark the occasion, on Saturday, May 7, at 9:45 in the morning, there will be a ribbon-cutting outside the Grange and the Schoolhouse. Join Jorge Adeler, co-president of the Great Falls Grange Foundation, and Linda Jones, president of Great Falls Studios. All are welcome.

Great Falls Studio member Begoña Morton specializes in oil painting and prints tea towels and coasters.


On Sunday, a children's art activity will be held downstairs in the Grange. Children can create a Mother's Day card. Visit for further information.