Thank You Mount Vernon District Voters

Thank you to everyone who overwhelmingly turned out to vote and for again giving me the opportunity to continue to serve as your Mount Vernon District Supervisor for another four years. It has been truly an honor and a privilege representing you and I enjoyed meeting with so many of you throughout the campaign. After my eighth election and almost twenty years of public service to you, I remain highly energized and engaged to address the District’s many opportunities and challenges. Thank you again.

There is an African proverb that still rings very true for me, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” That is a crucial part of how I view governance. Working with you every day and building great teams is essential for addressing and accomplishing much of what we have been able to do and even more essential for our future.

In recognition of this, thank you to our election officers, the many volunteers and young pages, all campaign workers, and voters who came out early or on election day to exercise our most fundamental right to vote. We live in a beautiful, growing, vibrant community and I look forward to collaborating with each of you as we strive to reach our full potential.

Respectfully yours in public service, 

Dan Storck