St. Paul’s Concert Series Features Helena Colanders

The final concert in the inaugural season of the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church concert series will take place on Saturday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m. The concert will feature Helena Colindres, a nonbinary opera vocalist, educator with a private voice studio and activist of Nawataketza ancestry.  She has performed as a soloist in works such as Handel’s “Messiah,” Schubert’s “Mass in G “and Larson’s “A God in Disguise.”

This concert will feature music by Bach, Handel and Vivaldi accompanied by St. Paul’s organist Adriano Spampanato. Spanpanato came to St. Paul’s as conductor, vocal coach and musician from Paris by way of New York just as Covid hit. When he arrived he imagined a new concert series to make concerts “entertaining, not boring, the kind you want to being your friends back to.”