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Ken Moore

Stories by Ken

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Federal Tax Reform, Bad for Fairfax?

Supervisors split on effects of eliminating state and local tax deductions.

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Lorton's Stempson House Finds Curator

House with historic ties to be matched with resident who will exchange rent for restoration.

Could Empty Office Buildings Be Transformed?

The equivalent of 308 football fields of office space are vacant in Fairfax County.

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Lorton's Stempson House Finds Curator

House with historic ties to be matched with resident who will exchange rent for restoration.

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Supervisors Expand Options for NVTC Site

Land around the now-closed training center to get plan amendment ahead of sale to Erickson Living.

Land use in Braddock

Planners, Schools, Innovation on the Rise in Herndon

Land and money needed to build an elementary and high school to serve upcoming residential communities rising near Innovation Station.

Planning Changes to Fairfax County Planning Commission

Twelve-member commission endures multiple changes through grief, triumphs, retirement and more during 2017.

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Renting Out Homes Through the Net in Fairfax County

Proposed zoning rules would allow residents to operate short-term lodging as an accessory use of a home.

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Words Not Enough

Advocates demand local change on immigrant interactions.

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Premier Arts Center or Promised Community Center at Tysons Corner?

Many applaud proposal for performing art center, plus a Wegmans, at Capital One site in Tysons.

Equestrian Athletes Need Opportunities, Too

One nay doesn’t stop a pasture of support for home riding lessons. Many in Oakton, Vienna and Great Falls testify.

Natalie Martinisko was the youngest speaker before the county’s Board of Supervisors Tuesday, Feb. 14.

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Pioneering Change For Autism

University of Virginia seminar studies tension between “The Science & Lived Experience of Autism.”

Despite a recent surge in attention and research over the past decade about autism, controversy exists.

Evolving Land Use in Great Falls: Previous Classification

Board approves plan for nine homes on 11 wooded acres in Great Falls.

Sandra Cappiello made one last attempt to prevent the felling of 11 acres of trees near her property on land that used to be the Hill Nursery.

Planning 20 Parks: Inside Tysons or Out?

Vienna and McLean affected by 30-year vision for Tysons; more debate Feb. 23.

When creating a new city, county planners target a precise number of parks.

McLean Wireless Facility Approved, For Now

If a proposed 52-foot telephone pole was three-feet shorter and 18 inches narrower in diameter, McLean advocates wouldn’t have had the opportunity to testify against a communications antenna topping it.

Brewery Tapped for Fairfax County Board Approval

Planning Commission calls the craft brewery production and tasting industry worthwhile for the county.

Fairfax County’s Planning Commission recommended approval of a zoning ordinance that will uncork the county’s ability to open breweries for craft beer brewing and tasting.

First For Richmond Highway

Mount Vernon telecommunication facilities

First for Richmond Highway

Mount Vernon has already accepted 72 telecommunication facilities for wireless service, said Planning Commissioner Earl Flanagan.

Wireless Whac-a-Pole in McLean?

Dranesville Planning Commissioner John Ulfelder wanted Verizon Wireless to understand McLean’s efforts to eliminate utility poles in McLean’s Business District.

New and Old Land Use Causes Line Up

Hearings set at Planning Commission in March and April.

The Board of Supervisors was scheduled to vote on the applications at its Board Hearing on Jan. 24, after this issue’s presstime. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the application in December.

Planning Affirms Murraygate Village in Mount Vernon

Five more units to stay.

Fairfax County’s Redevelopment and Housing Authority requested five more units for planned Murraygate Village, garden style apartments immediately west of the Mount Vernon Crossroads shopping center in the Hybla Valley area near Richmond Highway.

Let Horses Play Piano, Too

Horse Riding Lessons Allowed

Great Falls resident Kim Karanik navigated a three-and-a-half-year obstacle course to make riding activities and equestrian lessons more accessible and available to county children.

Brewery Changes on Tap

Planning drafts zoning amendment.

There is increasing interest in Fairfax County in opening breweries for craft beer that might also serve beer and food.

Woodland Park Approved

Several urge planners to delay approval and encourage developer Tishman Speyer to cut ties with Clarion Project.

A well-regarded development plan by Herndon-Monroe Metro Station in the Hunter Mill Planning District did not achieve approval without controversy.

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Springfield: Service Station with Community Care


Virginia Tire and Auto went into its special exception hearing before the Board of Supervisors with support. “This property owner has overwhelming support for his operations from the adjacent community in the Springvale community. He has gone above and beyond to maintain and beautify the area,” said Lee District Supervisor Jeff McKay.

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Board Placing Wiehle Station Puzzle Pieces

Parcels are “coming in faster than we can think,” said Hunter Mill Supervisor Cathy Hudgins, regarding Wiehle Station Venture’s project at Commerce Park at 11400 Commerce Park Drive and 1913 Association Drive, north of Sunrise Valley Drive.

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14-Story Hotel Smaller Than High Rises at Wiehle Station

CESC Commerce Executive Park was the first to present a vision to the Board of Supervisors for its 11.58 acres portion of land near Wiehle Metro Station.

University Looks to Fair Lakes

California University of Management and Sciences, with South Baylo University, bought a 54,720-square-foot building in Fair Lakes to operate classes.

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Vote on German Grocery in Chantilly to go to Supervisors

The Fairfax County Planning Commission recommended approval of Lidl U.S. Operations, LLC, proposal to amend zoning to permit a 30,000-square-foot grocery store and 18,000-square-foot multi-tenant retail building on 5.09 acres on the 73-acre Chantilly Crossing Shopping Center at the intersection of Lee Road and Chantilly Crossing Lane.

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Nine, Not 10, Houses Approved for Hills Nursery in Great Falls

The Gulick Group, Inc. originally requested to rezone and develop 11 acres of forested land at the north end of the former Hills Nursery site into 10 homes.

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Businesses Navigate County Planning

German grocery looks to Chantilly.

The German Lidl grocery chain offered to proffer $250,000 for athletic fields and recreational facilities in Chantilly.

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Great Falls: Horses Need No Cajoling to Stay on Land

About 58 acres of scenic vista just north of the Great Falls Village Center will be preserved for the next eight years at 9809 Arnon Chapel Road. “It represents one of the last large intact portions of former farmland that once characterized the area and is home to a well-loved horse boarding and riding facility, Stone Ridge Farm,” said Dranesville District Planning Commissioner John Ulfelder.

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Great Falls: Christmas Trees Cut Only for Taxes

Dranesville Planning Commissioner John Ulfelder described the enjoyment a 22.13-acre contiguous parcel of land at 910 Utterback Store Road gives Great Falls.

Planning Ahead: Expansion of Langley Fork

In April, the Board of Supervisors authorized planning staff to research the Mackall-Hall house and Turkey HIll Road for a possible expansion of the Langley Fork Historic Overlay District.

Fairfax Station, Lorton: 1880 Farmhouse Adorned with Floral Preserves

The Hampshires have preserved 25 acres of their land at 6925 Newman Road in Fairfax for the last 24 years.

Fairfax: Eight More Beds Needed

Arden Courts -- Fair Oaks of Fairfax requested approval of an additional eight beds, 2,648 square feet, to its existing 56-bed facility at 12469 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway.

Mount Vernon: Strip Mall Transformation

Approval recommended for 375 residential units and 7,500 square feet of retail on 5 acres in place of aging strip.

Novus Property Holdings has been seeking to redevelop a 5.2 acre property in the Penn Daw Community at the intersection of Richmond HIghway and Fairview Drive for the past four years, said Sara Mariska, who represents the developer.

Reston: Fortune 100 Company’s Jewel Box in Woods

For its new headquarters, General Dynamics Corporation executives wanted a “jewel box in the woods,” said attorney Mark Looney.

Reston: 54 Townhouses Approved on 3.45 Acres

Where can pizza delivers or other delivery drivers park their cars or trucks? That was part of Planning Commission deliberations on July 28, 2016 regarding a hearing on RP 11720, LLC’s application to permit construction of 54 single family attached dwelling units on 3.45 acres at the northwest quadrant of Sunrise Valley Drive and Roland Clarke Place.

Lorton: Giles Overlook Developing

75 percent of land to remain open space.

Lorton Valley III calls its development Giles Overlook: 52 singles family detached dwellings on 38.37 acres on Sanger Street in Mount Vernon.

Mount Vernon: Giles Overlook Developing

75 percent of land to remain open space.

Lorton Valley III calls its development Giles Overlook: 52 singles family detached dwellings on 38.37 acres on Sanger Street in Mount Vernon. Fairfax County Planning Commission voted Wednesday, Sept. 14, to recommend approval of plans that will permit development less than 200 feet from the required distance between residential buildings and I-95 and to allow for increased height of a noise barrier to be located 15 feet from I-95 right-of-way.

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Great Falls: Planning One More Deferral

Planning Commission will give Lexington Estates and Great Falls another month to get involved.

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McLean: Mount Daniel Elementary Expansion Approved

Fairfax County Planning Commission wants to be good neighbors and so does Falls Church City County Public Schools.

Centreville: Planning OKs More Pumps

MACS Retail LLC wants three more service pumps and a 3,520-square-foot quick service food store added to the Sully Shopping Center gas station at 5135 Westfields Boulevard in Centreville.

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Historic Night for Great Falls Grange

Eleven Great Falls organizations to present vision for community use of Grange to Supervisor John Foust in September.

Eleven Great Falls organizations reconvened last Wednesday night, Aug. 17, 2016, to solidify their vision that would bring the Great Falls Grange back to life, in line with efforts of local farmers who built the community gathering place in 1929.

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One Step To ‘One Fairfax’

Agreeing on a policy to create opportunity for all.

Jeff McKay didn’t mince words when discussing racial, social and economic inequity in Fairfax County.

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Reston: Breuer-Designed 'Architectural Gem' Not Saved

Testimonials before Board of Supervisors didn’t matter; saving the American Press Institute designed by Marcel Breuer was not part of its purview.

Restonians left the county’s Board of Supervisors meeting July 26, 2016 incredulous.

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Reston: New Stage for Tall Oaks

Plan approved for building 156 residential units plus 5,809 square feet of office space and 8,584 square feet of retail for center now 86 percent vacant.

The closing of Giant in 2007 started a slow decline of Tall Oaks Village Center, “once a vibrant and successful center that was supported by the community,” said Hunter Mill Supervisor Catherine Hudgins.

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Double Honor: County and Steward

Learn how to identify invasives, to eradicate invasives, and to get involved. See

Dranesville Supervisor John W. Foust has watched many of the thousands of hours McLean’s Alan Ford has worked in Dranesville and federal parks.