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Mercia Hobson

Stories by Mercia

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Options Set for Real Estate, Meals Taxes

Advertised rates are a cap on options; actual rates can be less or equal but not more.

Advertised rates are a cap on options; actual rates can be less or equal but not more.

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How Far Will Dominion Energy Go?

Reactions to Clear-Cutting NOVA Parks W&OD Trail


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‘Rest Easy, K9 Max,’ FCPD’s Got It From Here.

On March 10, the Fairfax County Police Department announced the death of K9 Max, who served the department for eight years, from 2012 to 2020.

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Free Formal Dresses and Accessories for Students

RCC’s 23rd Annual Diva Central Giveaway

Reston Community Center announced it is hosting its 23rd Annual Diva Central Formal and Prom Dress Giveaway at RCC Lake Anne, 609-A Washington Plaza, on Saturday, March 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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Fairfax County Teen Job Fair Draws Over 400 Students

Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) Hosts Event at Chantilly High

Fairfax County Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) hosted his second 2025 Teen Job Fair on Saturday, March 15.

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Beavers Are a Native Keystone Species Here

Humane coexistence tactics can protect trees; beavers benefit. wildlife.


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Where is Best for Arts Herndon?

When Comstock dropped downtown redevelopment, many things changed for Arts Herndon.


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Town of Herndon Faces FY26 Budget Season

Nearly 30 percent increase year over year in the proposed budget: countered by tax and fund increases, cuts.

Herndon budget

Former FCPD Sergeant Sentenced to Five Years

Mother of fatal police shooting victim, Timothy McCree Johnson, speaks out.

Former Fairfax County Police Sergeant Wesley Shifflett was processed into the county jail Friday evening, Feb. 28. At his sentencing hearing earlier that day, Fairfax County Circuit Judge Randy I. Bellows sentenced Shifflett, 36, to five years in prison with two years suspended.

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Immigration Raids Evoke Horror in Fairfax County

Three so far this week; more expected.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids are sweeping across Northern Virginia this week.

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Food for Neighbors Drive at North County Government Center

Ensuring local middle and high school students don’t go hungry

Ensuring local middle and high school students don’t go hungry

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Board of Supervisors, School Board Joint Meeting

Given project revenue increases, FCPS reports a negative $149.62 million available balance for meeting FY 2026 requirements.

$149.62 million

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Comstock Fails to Transfer Property Back to Herndon

Town files termination declaration in Fairfax County Circuit Court

Town files termination declaration in Fairfax County Circuit Court

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SYN, a Rooftop Bar and Lounge, Opens in Expanded Reston Town Center

SYN, a Rooftop Bar and Lounge, Opens in Expanded Reston Town Center

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Dominion Energy Clear-Cuts Four Miles Along W&OD Trail

Officials react as Dominion rejects long standing agreements.


Community News at a Glance: The 2025 Chief vs. Chief Adoption Bowl

Four days of free adoptions for dogs 45 pounds or more.

Community News at a Glance

Supervisors React to Budget Prospects

Some comments were lightly edited for clarity.

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‘Harsh Penalty’ Slams Senator

Boysko loses leadership positions after opposing Senate majority leader’s ‘casino bill.’

Boysko loses leadership positions after opposing Senate majority leader’s ‘casino bill.’

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Royal Flush for Opponents of ‘Casino Bill’.

Virginia Senate Bill 982 dead for 2025.

Casino Bill

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Is Help On The Way?

Thousands of federal employees and contractors fired or furloughed; more in the works.

Federal Workers

Highlights of Fairfax County Proposed FY 2026 Budget

More challenging than COVID year budgets.


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Remembering Local Victims of Jan. 29 Plane Crash

Remembering Local Victims of Jan. 29 Plane Crash

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Help On The Way

Kaine and Warner offer tele-town hall meeting Monday.

Fear and uncertainty threaded throughout the Fairfax County federal workforce after an unexpected email with the subject line "Fork in the Road" arrived in their employee email inboxes on Jan. 28, as it did nationwide for over 2.3 million federal employees.

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Meeting on Georgetown Pike/Great Falls Library Pedestrian Refuge Improvements

Crosswalk project heads toward finalization

A community meeting on Thursday, Jan. 30, at the Great Falls Grange brought the Georgetown Pike - Great Falls Library Pedestrian Refuge Improvements project closer to its construction start date.

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Surovell Defends His Casino Bill

Bill passed the Senate (24-Y 16-N) on Tuesday, Feb. 4.

Opponents question source of $1.8B casino revenue prediction.

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Superintendent addresses immigrant enforcement.

Superintendent addresses immigrant enforcement.

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Vienna Delays Vote on Meals Tax Again

At its Jan. 27 meeting, the Vienna Town Council voted to temporarily defer the proposal to raise the meals tax from 3 to 4 percent.

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Casino Bill for Tysons Advances

Opponents make repeated trips to Richmond to testify against the bill.

The subcommittee pushed SB982, introduced by Sen. Scott Surovell (D-Fairfax), to the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 9 a.m. The bill proposes to allow Fairfax County residents to vote in a referendum on a casino in Tysons.

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$4 Billion for School Budget

State shortfall in funding for local schools creates expanding needs.

Division Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented what she called the “needs-based” Fiscal Year 2026 Proposed Budget at the Fairfax County School Board meeting on Thursday evening, Jan. 23.

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Retired Supervisor Gerry Hyland Remembered

Retired Supervisor Gerry Hyland Remembered

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Learn Why Herndon’s New Mayor Has a Purple Gavel.

Mayor Keven LeBlanc forecasts Herndon Festival returns; shares new tagline for the town.

Mayor Keven LeBlanc forecasts Herndon Festival returns; shares new tagline for the town.

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Anonymous $60 Million Gift to Madeira School

Stands as the ‘largest gift given to an independent all-girls school ever.’

Stands as the ‘largest gift given to an independent all-girls school ever.’

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Supervisors: Casino Bill Muddies Waters

Real issue is state underfunding of schools, they say.

A senator's comments Monday to the Virginia Senate Subcommittee on Gaming regarding SB982 (Casino Gaming; eligible host localities) led the chair of the No Fairfax Casino coalition, Lynn Mulston, to email the senators a letter titled "URGENT: SB982 Reaction to Chief Patron's Comments."

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Notorious Norovirus Stalks Region

Frequent handwashing with soap and water could help avoid the scourge.

Notorious Norovirus Stalks Region

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Act Three: Crescent Apartments, 2025

The initial plan and mission looked solid until…

Supervisor Walter Alcorn’s reading of his board matter marks what could be defined as Act Three of the Crescent Property saga.

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New Life for Affordable Housing in Reston?

Future of Crescent apartments property gets a hand up.

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors authorized the redevelopment of the 1960s Crescent Apartments in Reston on Tuesday, Jan. 14.

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Water Main Break In Reston at Lake Anne

It’s a dirty job.

Fairfax Water responded to gushing water at 11459 Washington Plaza, Lake Anne, Reston, on Jan. 13.

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Bill Paves Way for Fairfax Casino Referendum

Coalition seeks to ‘kill the bill;’ sponsors say Fairfax County needs the money for schools and property tax relief.

A 50,000-member Facebook group called the No Fairfax Casino Coalition is out to "kill the bill," SB982 — Casino gaming; eligible host localities in the Virginia Senate.

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How To Spend $2 Billion

Home care providers who save Virginia millions of dollars each year, but most earn less than $15 an hour in 2025.


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Herrity Joins 2025 Race for Lt. Governor

Pat Herrity, the current Fairfax County Board Supervisor for the Springfield District and lone Republican on the board, posted a video on social media on Jan. 4 announcing his candidacy for Virginia lieutenant governor.

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Happy Snow Days

No school Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday; almost everything canceled.


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County General Assembly Delegation Pre-Session Public Hearing

Surprising statements by County spokespersons?

General Assembly

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Fairfax County Updates Its ActiveFairfax Transportation Plan

Would you feel comfortable walking on any of these and others? Survey feedback and comments will be accepted through Dec. 20, 2024.

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Northern Virginia Families for Safe Streets Releases TREDS Study

VDOT's Traffic Records Electronic Data System

Northern Virginia Families for Safe Streets released its inaugural study on VDOT's Traffic Records Electronic Data System (TREDS) data of pedestrian and bike crashes in Fairfax, Alexandria, and Arlington.

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Fear, Emotion Play Out in Herndon

Town’s immigrant residents plead for protection; others counter, ‘You break the law, you are deported.’

Fear, emotion

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What Could Mass Deportation Plans Mean Here?

Local officials emphasize welcoming policies.

Local officials emphasize welcoming policies.

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Stars & Stripes NOVA Committee Food Donation

Stars & Stripes NOVA Committee Food Donation

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Restonstrong Entrenched Supporting Neighbors Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness

Interview with NPO’s co-founder

Interview with NPO’s co-founder
