Carlyle Kids in Alexandria
Libraries and Carlyle House collaborate for educational and fun summer programming.

Herding baby cats into new homes.
For a couple hours, a back room of the Potomac Yard PetSmart on July 1 was turned into heaven. Dozens of kittens looking for prospective homes crawled and meowed and played with human friends and prospective owners.

‘This Little Church on the Corner’
Third Baptist Church celebrates historical marker unveiling.
On Saturday, June 23, a new generation of congregants came together on the same corner to celebrate the legacy of those forebearers with the installation of an official state historical marker.
No Funds For Potomac Yard South
At the June 26 City Council meeting, staff announced the city is hoping to gain $60 million in funds for the West End Transitway Corridor, and another $10 million for transit improvements around Landmark Mall.

Mother of Light
Homeless assistance center faces unwelcome reception.
The social services with ties to a religious community in Falls Church was opening a center in Del Ray aimed at providing basic necessities for homeless Alexandrians. But the new center came into conflict with its Del Ray neighbors over a variety of issues, some of which were practical concerns shared by members of the City Council.

Alexandria Highway Renamed
Jefferson Davis loses Alexandria again.
At the City Council meeting on June 23, the long discussed renaming of Route 1 in Alexandria was finally passed. Today, the street is called Jefferson Davis Highway where it isn’t split up into Patrick and Henry streets through Old Town.

City of Alexandria Elections 2018: In the Race for Mayor and City Council
Democrats face off for June 12 primary; Republicans and Independent look to November.
On the Tab in Alexandria
Affordable Housing advocates celebrate meals tax increase while restaurateurs lament.
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